我們是由2014年開始建立一間擁有自己工作坊的香港男裝內衣品牌, 由產品設計, 開發, 選料, 包裝, 生產管理及市場銷售推廣, 都是由我們專業而有活力的香港同事一手完成.
We are one of the Men’s underwear brands with its own creative workshop in Hong Kong establish in 2014. From Design Frame, Techpack, R&D, Production Control to Marketing & Sales are all managed by our professional and dynamic Hong Kong colleagues.
作為一個香港品牌, 理應要回報社會對我們的支持及減低香港人的壓力, 所以我們在定價方面是大衆化加上品質優良, 這也是我們的貨品吸引之處.
As a local brand, we should be able to repay the support of the community and reduce the stress for Hong Kong people. Therefore, we set a popularization in pricing and best quality which is what our attractive point.
分享怎樣能提昇香港人普遍對男裝內褲的習慣, 使明白到內衣同衣服一樣有不同功能, 試想像穿一套西裝去做運動, 會有什麼的情況出現? 所以我們的產品基本分為四類: 休閒, 尊貴, 運動及時尚去配合不同需要.
To share how to enhance the general Hong Kong people's habits of men's underwear, understand that underwear with the same clothes have different functions, imagine if wearing a suit to go sports exercise, what will happen? So, our products are basically divided into four Classes: Causal, Premium, Sports and Fashion to meet the different needs.
有自己的小形生產線在我們的工作坊或社區內, 嘗試帶回我們引以為傲的 ”Made In Hong Kong”. 此外可利用我們的資源去教導想學做製衣的大家, 希望各位多多支持及給予意見.
We have our own small scale production line in our workshop or community, try to bring our proud "Made in Hong Kong" back. In addition, we can use our resources to teach people who want to learn for garment making, thank you for your supports and looking forward of opinions.